Monday, August 23, 2010

Pretty Little Bag

Since I'm using this blog to showcase all my skillz, I just wanted to show yall this. I made this little bag for a sweet baby girl's first birthday. You know, since I did have the sewing machine out and all. (Some would argue I'm not the best about putting things up when I'm done with them.)

I knew I wanted to make something for this little girl, especially since her mom is pretty crafty too and thought she'd appreciate it! Plus, an opportunity to make something girly and frilly? YES!

Some of my boys' favorite toys are things they can put other things in. Like backpacks, bags, suitcases, wagons, etc. They will dump out one toy bin just to fill it up with something else.

This bag turned out a little bigger than I originally planned,but that's ok, maybe it can grow with her! It's about the size of a Dr. Seuss book. It turned out pretty good considering I didn't use a pattern! And it only took me ONE NIGHT!! I also wanted to bling-it-up a little more with beads or something but she's only one! Can you say choking hazard?? (It's a shame, really. When you become a parent your view of the world completely changes. Anything I come across I'm like, can that kill my child?)

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Like what you see? Any tips or advice? Lemme know!