That's all I have time for now, I have so many things to post about but have been so short on time the last 3 weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon.
So, instead of doing ALL the cupcakes in ONE theme, and with there being so many in the book that are "picnic-y" themed, I thought I'd just do a few of each and do a whole spread! I even found this checked tablecloth, which honestly I can't believe I didn't have already! These pies are made with M&M's , but I also saw somewhere else similar cupcakes that had Actual fruit in them, so I thought I'd try that too. I probably should have glazed the blueberries or something, but I was kind of pressed for time because it was so hot in my kitchen I was like frost/decorate/fridge repeat! My frosting was getting all melty. Then it gets REALLY hard to work with.
It felt really good to get the old creative juices flowing again. Here's the whole spread!
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We spend most of the time outside. #1 and I ran in a locak 5k, which I rocked, thank you very much, and it felt great, #1 ran in his SECOND kid's race, ran some errands, had a pizza picnic, checked out a local fair, swam at the pool, and of course, worked on garage sale stuff. (well, almost all play no work!) We came to the decision today that we have A LOT of stuff for our sale...I really hope we can clear enough for my cabinents! Here's a pic of #2 rockin his new trunks and looking so cute I could gobble him up.