Tuesday, June 28, 2011
PW Prune Cake
Monday, June 27, 2011
PW's Iced Coffee

Friday, June 24, 2011

If any of you guys do this, is there anything you can recommend? We don't even "garden" alot, I just hate throwing away things I know can have a use for something else. I figure if I don't use it I can always give it away to someone who does. What do I need/need to know to get started? Do I have to get some worms? I don't really know much about it and I want to hear from people who do this.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
carrot puree, OJ cubes.
ALL of these were huge hits with my entire family. We have been having them almost every day, and #1 helps me put the stuff in the blender. All these make pretty much a full blender full. It would be enough for several kids, or 2 kids and 2 adults probably.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
PW Peach Crisp
I had 5 peaches left from the 2nd batch of ones I got at our new Whole Foods last week, which were amazing and I'm not even a "peach" person. They were on they're last day of edible-ness and need to be used. I was flipping through my PW book, (again, with the desserts) looking for the cobbler recipe. I really should have it memorized by now. I came across this one for Peach Crisp, which is also very cobbler-y, but in a more traditional sense with the fruit on the bottom and crust on top. I made a quick check and I had all the ingredients. Let's roll!
In a bowl you combine all the dry ingredients...flour, brown sugar, regular sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Oh nutmeg. see the brown stuff on the left? That's it. The recipe calls for a dash of nutmeg, which is so strong that's about all you ever use in a recipe anyway. Anyhoo, I'm still not used to the new tops on my spice containers, and unscrewed the top thinking that the "sprinkle" top would be on the bottle instead of in the lid. So I gave it a dash and OHMIGOD like half the little bottle emptied in my bowl. It's a good thing I like the smell of nutmeg. I managed to scoop most of it out, but I'm pretty sure there wound up being more than "a dash" in there. There are worse things, I guess.
After that gets mixed together you have to combine it with the butter with a fork or pastry cutter (nope, still don't have one) (also still don't have a new larger food processor yet, and this was more than my little one could do). So I used the stupid fork method and it took forever. ugh. It wasn't completely uniform, but my boys will only play with their play-doh for so long.
This is what it looked like after.
Then I sliced up my peaches. They are supposed to be peeled, I'm not exactly sure why, but they were over ripe and very juicy and after I got the first one I was done with that. And I was running out of play-doh induced free time. I put the rest of them in there and said a little prayer it wouldn't ruin the recipe. Toss them with lemon zest and juice, and maple syrup. (I'm pretty much the biggest fan of lemon zest you'll find.
layer the other stuff on top...
There's a second part to the recipe. A maple-cream sauce to drizzle on top. Now, this doesn't exactly trip my trigger as much as vanilla ice cream or whipped cream would. Some people just die over things like Maple Pecan Ice cream. Me, I'm a chocolate girl. But, I made it anyway. Pretty simple and not a very exciting picture....Heat up some heavy cream and maple syrup and cook it down a bit. Then you let it chill for a while, and it thickens some more.
So...here we go. The opinion from a non-peach loving, non-maple loving girl....
The sauce tastes like melted maple pecan ice cream. It's unbelievable. Just...all of it...wow.
(and the skins on the peaches weren't that big of a deal. didn't bother me.)
PW Blackberry Cobbler
So....I seem to be focusing on the dessert section of this book...can't imagine why. I've already made this same cobbler twice, in the quest for finding which of my dishes is best for it. One was too small, one was too big. (read about them here) So, obviously, I had to try again. This time with blackberries. (note: the recipe is "officially" called Blackberry cobbler, but says that you can also use blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and so on.....so I figure I pretty much have to make all of those to complete this recipe.)
We finally have a winner folks. I love this because the recipe is so simple, there's only milk, butter, flower, and the berries pretty much.
Also...we had a ton of blackberries because we got them from Sam's. Before last week, I'm pretty sure I've never eaten a blackberry in my life. I've only had a fresh raspberry a couple times. They kind of freak me out with the tiny cluster and the little hairs sticking out. I'm wierd about food like that...I like a lot of things, but it has to be visually appetising to me before I'll try it. So, I ate my first blackberry...and I liked it! It tastes like a grape I think. But I'm still on the fence about the nobbly texture, so we won't be having them all the time I don't think. The boys liked them also, and I'm always trying to expose them to all kinds of food at a young age.
can we please note.....I remembered to take a picture BEFORE digging into it! Yay for self control!