This is actually my second go at this one. I made it the first the night of OVEN-GATE back in March. You know, the night my oven broke. So I didn't bake it in the oven. Generally, I'm not much a fan of "oven-baked" macaroni, I prefer the creamy kind. Also, none of us really
loved this last time. I think I didn't put enough seasoning in it. It was much better this time, but just not that creamy from being baked in the oven. And hello, massive portions! This will make about 10 2-cup servings (which is a generous serving size). Kids will usually only eat 1 cup.
I forgot to take a pic before scooping out for the boys. Note the GINORMOUS casserole dish filled to the brim. My food critic, aka Number One, ate it up right away. Surprising, really, I don't think he liked it that much last time. After I took the pic of my bowl I smothered it with some Sriracha. YUM.

Heeey, lookie what I finally figured out how to do! I deserve a medal for figuring out how to do this all by myself. I know it's kind of small...I'll work on that. This is a list of all the recipes in the book and the ones I've done so far.
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