Monday, September 27, 2010
Half-Marathon Training: 9 weeeks to go
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tour of the Big XII cake series, Week 4 (Kansas State)

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Project Halloween, Day 5 (IT'S DONE!)

Later on today, after making a run to get some more glue sticks, I was able to FINISH!! I glued the rest of the pieces on, and tacked on the thing that goes on top of the hood. There goes my resolve not to hand-sew anything. I was gonna use velcro, but it wouldn't get all sides. So I just stitched a little around the corners of it so it would stay down. A few other stitches here and there, and wah-la! Finito!
Since I beat my goal of having it done by the end of this weekend (the 2-week mark), maybe I'll take off until Monday to start the second costume. Maybe.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Project Halloween, Day 4

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Project Halloween, Day 3

So, what's left? I have to add velcro to the hood, make the mittens and shoe covers, then start on the detailed stuff. I am undecided if I will completely finish the first one before starting the second one, or should I go right along and get the second jumpsuit done and do all the detailing together?? I dunno.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Half-Marathon Training: 10 weeeks to go

Project Halloween, Day 2

So I was able to get the back part stuffed and sewn in the back panels. (I'll add more pics later after the "reveal". I don't want to totally give it away!) So now I have 2 complete pieces with sleeves, front and back. Just have to sew them together.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Project Halloween, Day 1

And? Happy 3 month Blog-iversary to me! I finally qualify to have my blog listed on the most awesome place to find other "mommy" blogs...I can't believe I only found it recently!! Yall can vote for me once a day. The more you vote, the higher my blog moves up in rank and the more people can see me!! Yay and Thanks!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tour of the Big XII cake series, Week 3 (Colorado)

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Candy Corn Cupcakes

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My OTHER new project...

Monday, September 13, 2010
Tour of the Big XII cake series, Week 2 (bye) (Dallas Cowboys)
This week is a "bye" on the Tour of the Big XII Cake Series. (Hey, I'm makin the schedule!) But I just wanted to post this graphic, which contains the logos I will (hopefully) be making. Since several schools have more than one logo, I figured these are the most "official" ones!

Oh, by the way, the Aggies did win our game against Louisiana Tech, 48-16. WHOOP! 2-0!
Half-Marathon Training: 11 Weeks to Go

Saturday, September 11, 2010
It's here! 13 year-old birthday cake!

It is super cool. It has all these interchangeable parts that let you cut out ribbons of fondant with crinkly or wavy edges. There's also "embosser" parts that imprint a pattern on the edges. I LOVES IT!!

What's in Your Pantry?

Door shot:

This isn't really part of my pantry but I think it's funny. We have a fridge outside in the garage and the bottom drawer has become my "fondant drawer" . Any time I make a batch, I tint the whole batch because it's so much easier, so I am developing quite the rainbow!

Monday, September 6, 2010
Race Day Wrap Up-10k
So, I didn't accomplish either one of my goals. But I'm okay with that. One reason? I finally have a pic of me running that I don't HATE. All the ones anyone has ever taken of me is always at the end and I feel like I look ridiculous. Even when I started trying to smile and wave. I look weird. But this time, Husband got a good one. Superficial? Yes. Am I okay with that? YES.
(The funny thing is, I don't think this pic looks anything like me!)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Game Day Wrap Up, Week 1.
- We had a great day NOT watching the Aggie game. We're lucky to get any Big XII games here in TN, and Aggie games are rarer. But we did listen to it on Aggie 96 through the Husband's iPhone radio app. Dave South, people!! Obviously it was my Aggie cake that propelled us to beat Stephen F. Austin.
- I made a crap-ton of food, meant for us to graze on throughout the weekend. Salsa, Queso (I'm trying to perfect a copy of restaurant queso, which is more involved than throwing Rotel and Velveeta together in the microwave. Good thing I have many willing taste-testers), 7-layer dip, potato skins, and of course our Aggie Cake. And leftover fajitas. It would have been even better had I not realized at 5pm Saturday that we were almost out of Tortilla chips. I swear we had another bag in the pantry.
- Saturday was beautiful, the high was like 78!! Ack! I so hope this is not a weather tease. We had the windows open All. Day. Long.
- Dinner was going along swimmingly when, after he was done, #2 started complaining about his stomach hurting (in a cute, wimpery 2.5yo way) and crawled up on Husband's lap. Not wanting to be left out, #1 was on his way up there too. You know where this is heading, people. About 30 seconds later, #2 promptly unloaded his dinner all over the 3 of them in an explosive way that was truly not necessary. I, the lone one who escaped, jumped up.
- I ordered the 3 of them to strip down and head for the tub upstairs so I could clean up. The husband got the boys bathed while I threw the clothes in the washer and scrubbed the rug. Four times. And I got most of it out. go me.
- After we got the boys down, we spent the evening NOT enjoying any of the rest of the food I made or drinking any of the trough of wine we had in the fridge, but rather staring at whatever game we were watching and trying not to lose our own dinner. And me issuing a stern warning to the universe that I better not get sick, I have my 10k in one day.
- Luckily, today everyone is feeling better. WHEW. Sometimes kids just eat too fast. Especially #2. We escaped a bullet. Better enough that MY husband ran FOUR MILES today after graciously letting me sleep until TEN AM. It was glorious, people. And I am soooo proud of him. As soon as I finish typing this, I'm going downstairs to bury myself in the 7layer dip, pie-eating style. We did get more chips, but maybe I don't need them after all. I do need to carb-load for tomorrow, right?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tour of the Big XII: Are You Ready For Some Football??? (Texas A&M)

Also, check out this awesome Football-shaped pan I got. You can not only use it for cakes but for bread too! I can't wait to use it. Is there anything cooler than that football-shaped party sandwich? I think not!! If it wasn't rainy today I would so be makin' that. Maybe next week.